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About Us
After family separations and divorce, children benefit greatly from the love and support of both parents. A Contact Centre is a place that helps facilitate relationships between separated or separating parents and their children. We accept referrals from solicitors, other organisations, and Self Referrals.
Birmingham Child Contact Centre is an inner city based, registered charity, who provides a safe, friendly, neutral environment where non-resident parents can see their children on a regular basis, until more permanent arrangements can be agreed. In addition to parents, our services have also been used by grandparents and other family members.
We are an Accredited member of the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC) to provide facilities for supported contact. Supported Contact means that we don’t supervise contact on a one to one basis, nor do we write reports to family courts about the quality of contact. Click here for our NACCC Accreditation Certificate.
Charities Commission No: 1174279, NACCC Candidate No. 1702/2
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